Monday, April 6, 2009


As we'll discover in this journey of a blog. Patrick and I are very into Ikea. VERY into Ikea. I actually can't say it enough. I had the pleasure of completing an online survey for them. At the very end they asked if there was "anything else you'd like to say to Ikea." I thought about it.. and yes, yes I did:
Dearest Ikea,
If I could live in you, I would. My entire house is furnished with Ikea furniture and if I lived close to you I would visit you everyday. Just to browse, to eat some meatballs, to giggle at the meat paste tubes, to just love you. I look forward to the times we'll share in the future. How my husband and I will browse your catalog for baby furniture as we await the arrival of our first child. Then later, for tween furniture and then college dorm furniture. Oh the times we'll have, Ikea. Even our future car purchases are in keeping you in mind. "Would I be able to get a Billy in this back seat?" "Could we strap an Expedit to this luggage rack?" Oh, Ikea, you mean so much to us. If only you offered coupons and not only sales on random products one at a time. Then we'd see each other more often.
Looking forward to it,

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