Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Good-Bye Jungle!

Well, we finally found a new landscaper. (Doesn't that sound so fancy??) It took a while.. And was pretty awkward but we got a good rate after all was said and done.

Now, I can't let this go by without talking about the awkward encounter. I can only, of course, give you my point of view. Patrick and I had been looking into someone servicing our yard for the summer months. Not only that, but our bushes in front of our house had begun taking over small countries so we wanted to get someone to look at them too. I can't even remember how many people we called. But I'll focus on this one incident.

We called this company, "Alpha," to come out and give us an estimate. And he said he be out the next day. So whatever that's cool. The next day as we're sitting down to eat a tasty meal prepared by the mister, there's a knock at the door. Patrick jumps up and disappears out the front door. I hear them talking and walking around the yard and they eventually make it to the back yard where I'm able to see them clearly through the sliding glass doors. I still hear a lot of commotion out in the front and when I look out the window I see a extended cab seemingly FULL of people. This struck me as kinda odd, but whatever. So there's talking and walking and from what I hear I can tell he gave Patrick a really high estimate. Patrick comes back to the door and kinda pushes me aside and says to stay out of view because he told them I wasn't here and therefore couldn't give him an answer. So he starts telling me what all was said and the amount and blah blah. It's very high and we've collectively decided not to hire this guy.

I realize that we haven't checked the mail and ask Patrick to run out there while I re-warm his food. So minutes pass and I'm wondering what could possibly take so long with the mail. I start down the front hall and can hear him outside talking to someone. I figured it was the same lawn guy that just might have caught him on his way out of our neighborhood. By this time, I'm well done eating my food and have moved to the office to work on some things. Then! The door bell rings. I can still hear Patrick outside with a guy. So, now, I'm totally confused. I look out in the backyard and sure enough Patrick is out there with some guy. But not the Alpha guy, this is a new guy. Let's call him Bravo.

So if Patrick is talking to Bravo, then who's at my front door? I walk past the office (that has a large window by our side gate) and hear Alpha call out, "Hey! Did you see a bluetooth around here?" How weird. And awkward as Alpha has now walked into our meeting with Bravo who is obviously going to try to out bid him for the job. All the while I'm hiding in the house so that Patrick has a backdoor to not have to give anyone a straight answer. So, Alpha starts looking around our yard for his bluetooth while Bravo and Patrick continue to try to walk around and talk about what Bravo can do for us and how much it will be. And this Alpha guy won't go away! Bravo gives Patrick his card and shuffles off.

Alpha then asks Patrick to give him a call if we happen to find his bluetooth or, you know, "..hit it with a lawn mower." Talk about awkward.

But it doesn't stop there! Patrick finally comes in and is able to sit down to eat and I hear a weed whacker outside. So I go to the window and see Alpha's team weed whacking our yard. They were STILL looking for that bluetooth. I swear they were out there for over an hour. After they finally left Patrick went outside to see what they had done, and there was a lovely patch that had been cut. Alpha called to let us know he had found it. Still weird.

So we called Bravo to let him know we'd like him to work on our yard. He was far superior to the other guy. So today we should finally be free from the jungle in which we were living. Miko was getting lost when we let her out to pee. Seriously.

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